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My JSA Story

I first joined JSA in my freshman year of high school. I had debated all throughout middle school, and when I saw my club's booth at club fair, I immediately knew that I wanted to be a part of JSA. However, I didn't know then just how much JSA would change my life. At my first convention, Fall State, I fell in love with the organization. JSA is so much more than a debate and activism organization -- it is a leadership organization. When I saw the directors and executive officers at the front of the convention hall, I knew then and there that JSA was special. It was special not just because of the debate or activism initiatives, but it was special because it empowers students like no other organization. JSA breeds leaders. It molded me into the person I am today, and I want to help do that for other people.

About : Bio


Debate Agent (2017-2018)

Montezuma Leadership Summit Graduate (Summer 2018)

Collier Turf Coordinator for Rick Scott for Senate Campaign (Summer 2018)

Director of Debate (2018-2019)

Supercabinet Director of Debate During Winter Congress (2019)

Director of Technology for Barron Collier JSA Chapter (2019)

Founder and President of FGCU Debate (2019)

As a debate agent for the Southeast State, I helped write topics and debate blurbs for conventions. Specifically, I wrote topics within healthcare, and during Spring State 2018, I took over as Director of Debate for the Southeast. As Director during Spring State, my deputy director and I wrote all convention topics. As part of Spring State, I also led a debate workshop for new JSAers and I delivered the majority opinion in the mock SCOTUS case at the convention.

Through my roles as Director of Debate and Supercabinet Director of Debate, I designed the topics for conventions and managed a group of debate agents. Through my role in supercabinet, I learned more about the interworkings of JSA and found out what it takes to lead in this great organization. I worked approximately 40 hours through my role as Supercabinet Director of Debate, reading and picking bills for Winter Congress, formatting them, and compiling them into a legislative index.

During my role as the Turf Coordinator for Collier County for the Rick Scott for Senate Campaign, I managed a group of 40 volunteers and kept in weekly contact with them. I also led a walk day event that acted as a collaboration between three local campaigns and one senate campaign. Through this walk event, I collaborated with the campaign managers and candidates from the three other campaigns and created flyers for the event and helped to publicize it. It taught me how to manage a large group and gave me a look into the inner workings of a campaign, which has applications in running a JSA state.

About : About
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